Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Project Planning Form

Standard assigned (write out completely) *
Big Idea 18: Matter and Energy Transformations (Hannah)
A. Living things all share basic needs for life.
B. Living organisms acquire the energy they need for life processes through various metabolic pathways (photosynthesis and cellular respiration).
C. Matter and energy are recycled through cycles such as the carbon cycle.

Essential Question *
How do students know what state standards they are expected to learn and are they able to demonstrate knowledge of the standards and reflect on their knowledge?
Things to include in OHpedia entry *

List 3 Experts with Contact information *
Samia El-Badry -
Charles B. Pyke - No e-mail call (520) 625-8316
Brian Dyer -

Anticipated date of completion of first draft of OHpedia entry *
February 4, 2011

List websites and other sources that you have identified to use for your research *

This is an example of the carbon cycle in animation -

Brainstorm ideas for designing your "standard module" 
PowerPoint, Jing, Wiki, Movie.


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